

  1. Rina Nakamura, Motomi Konishi, Emiri Ushijima, Ryuichirou Tanaka, Masanari Taniguchi, Aya Kojima, Miho Tokumasu, Tadashi Yamamoto, Toshifumi Akizawa: Structural analysis of the novel hydrolase-like peptide, Journal of Peptides Science, 22(52), S163, ISSN 1075-2617, 2016 (IF 1.905) 
  2. Toshifumi Akizawa, Rina Nakamura, Aya Kojima, Motomi Konishi, Masanari Taniguchi, Miho Tokumasu, Tadashi Yamamoto: Finding of the novel hydrolase-like peptide (JAL-TA9) digesting Aβ protein, Journal of Peptides Science, 22(52), S32, ISSN 1075-2617, 2016 (IF 1.905) 
  3. Masanari Taniguchi, Kazuki Matsuura, Rina Nakamura, Aya Kojima, Motomi Konishi, Toshifumi Akizawa: MMP-7 cleaves amyloid β fragment peptides and copper ion inhibits the degradation, Biometals. 30(5): 797-807, 2017 (IF 2.949)        
  4. Rina Nakamura, Aya Kojima, Masanari Taniguchi, Motomi Konishi, Miho Tokumasu, Tadashi Yamamoto, Toshifumi Akizawa: The Novel Finding of Serine Protease-Like Peptide, Peptide Science 2016, The Japanese Peptide Society 2017, pp. 17-18
  5. Yusuke Hatakawa, Rina Nakamura, Masanari Taniguchi, Motomi Konishi, Miho Tokumasu, Tadashi Yamamoto, Toshifumi Akizawa: The Synthetic Peptide Derived from BoxA Region in ANA/BTG3 Proteins is The Second Catalytide Cleaving the Amyloid-β Peptide, Peptide Science 2016, The Japanese Peptide Society 2017, pp. 123-124
  6. Yusuke Ueba, Takaaki Aratake, Ken-ichi Onodera, Youichirou Higashi, Tomoya Hamada, Takahiro Shimizu, Shogo Shimizu, Toshio Yawata, Rina Nakamura, Toshifumi Akizawa, Tetsuya Ueba, Motoaki Saito: Attenuation of zinc-enhanced inflammatory M1 phenotype of microglia by peridinin protects against short-term spatial-memory impairment following cerebral ischemia in mice, BBRC, 507, 475-483, 2018 (IF 3.575)
  7. Rina Nakamura, Yusuke Hatakawa, Motomi Konishi, Masanari Taniguchi, Toshifumi Akizawa: Structure-Activity Relationship of 5-mer Peptides Derived from JAL-TA9, Peptide Science 2017, The Japanese Peptide Society 2018, pp. 40-41
  8. Yusuke Hatakawa, Rina Nakamura, Masanari Taniguchi, Motomi Konishi and Toshifumi Akizawa: Comparison of Proteolytic Activity of 5-Mer Peptides Derived from BoxA Domain of Tob/BTG Family Proteins, Peptide Science 2017, The Japanese Peptide Society 2018, pp. 102-103
  9. Rina Nakamura, Yusuke Hatakawa, Motomi Konishi, Motoaki Saito, Toshifumi Akizawa: The Possibility of Creating a Novel Catalytide in PC, Peptide Science 2018, The Japanese Peptide Society 2019, pp. 9-10
  10. Yuko Sakaguchi, Rina Nakamura, Motomi Konishi, Masanari Taniguchi, Hidenao Toyoda, Toshifumi Akizawa: The effects of Cu2+ on conformational changes of hPrP180-192 derived from C-terminal region of prion protein, ERBT. 30 (1):1-8, 2019
  11. Yuko Sakaguchi, Rina Nakamura, Motomi Konishi, Yusuke Hatakawa, Hidenao Toyoda, Toshifumi Akizawa: Effects of Cu2+ on conformational change and aggregation of hPrP180-192 with a V180I mutation of the prion protein, BBRC, 514, 798-802, 2019 (IF 3.575)
  12. Rina Nakamura, Motomi Konishi, Masanari Taniguchi, Yusuke Hatakawa, Toshifumi Akizawa: The discovery of shorter synthetic proteolytic peptides derived from Tob1 protein, Peptides 116, 71-77, 2019 (IF 3.750)
  13. Rina Nakamura, Motomi Konishi, Yoichiro Higashi, Motoaki Saito, Toshifumi Akizawa: Comparison of the catalytic activities of 5-mer synthetic peptides derived from Box A region of Tob/BTG family proteins against the amyloid-beta fragment peptides, Integrative Molecular Medicine, 6, 1-4, 2019 (IF 2.710)
  14. Rina Nakamura, Motomi Konishi, Yusuke Hatakawa, Motoaki Saito, Toshifumi Akizawa: The Novel Catalytic Peptide, A Synthetic Nona-Peptide (JAL-TA9) Derived from Tob1 Protein, Digested the Amyloid-β Peptide, Journal of Royal Science, 1, (2) 30-35, 2019 (IF 2.963)
  15. Yusuke Hatakawa, Rina Nakamura, Motomi Konishi, Toshiyasu Sakane, Motoaki Saito, Toshifumi Akizawa: Catalytides derived from the Box A region in the ANA/BTG3 protein cleave amyloid-b fragment peptide, Helion 5 e02454, 2019 (IF 2.850)
  16. Tomoya Hamada, Takaaki Aratake, Youichirou Higashi, Yusuke Ueba, Takahiro Shimizu, Shougo Shimizu, Toshio Yawata, Tetsuya Ueba, Rina Nakamura, Toshifumi Akizawa, Mikiya Fujieda, Motoaki Saito: Zinc-aggravated M1 microglia regulate astrocytic engulfment via P2×7 receptors, J. Trace Elem. Med. Biol. 61: 126518,2020 (IF 3.849)
  17. Rina Nakamura, Motomi Konishi, Yuko Sakaguchi, Yusuke Hatakawa, Akiko Tanaka, Toshiyasu Sakane, Motoaki Saito, Toshifumi Akizawa: JAL-TA9 Inhibits Aggregation of hPrP180-192 through the Cleavage Reaction, J Pharm Pharmacol Res 4 (2): 23-32, 2020 (IF 3.765)
  18. Yusuke Hatakawa, Rina Nakamura, Motomi Konishi, Toshiyasu Sanane, Akiko Tanaka, Akira Matsuda, Motoaki Saito, Toshifumi Akizawa: Amyloid-beta cleavage by ANA-TA9, a synthetic peptide from the ANA/BTG3 Box A region. Alzheimers Dement (N Y), 31;7(1): e12146, 2021 (IF 7.099)
  19. Yusuke Hatakawa, Akiko Tanaka, Tomoya Furubayashi, Rina Nakamura, Motomi Konishi, Toshifumi Akizawa, Toshiyasu Sanane: Direct Delivery of ANA-TA9, a Peptide Capable of Aβ Hydrolysis, to the Brain by Intranasal Administration. Pharmaceutics, 13, 10,1673 (1-13), 2021 (IF 6.072)
  20. Nakamura, Rina, Toshifumi Akizawa, and Motomi Konishi: Structure – Activity Relationship of 5-Mer Catalytides, GSGYR and RYGSG. Biomolecules 2022, 12, 1766 (IF 6.064)
  21. Nakamura, R., Konishi, M., Higashi, Y. et al. Five-mer peptides prevent short-term spatial memory deficits in Aβ25-35-induced Alzheimer’s model mouse by suppressing Aβ25-35 aggregation and resolving its aggregate form. Alz Res Therapy 15, 83, 2023 (IF 9.037)
  22. Hatakawa, Y.; Nakamura, R.; Akizawa, T.; Konishi, M.; Matsuda, A.; Oe, T.; Saito, M.; Ito, F. SKGQA, a Peptide Derived from the ANA/BTG3 Protein, Cleaves Amyloid-β with Proteolytic Activity. Biomolecules 202414, 586. https://doi.org/10.3390/biom14050586 (IF 4.8)
  23. Nakamura, R.; Matsuda, A.; Higashi, Y.; Hayashi, Y.; Konishi, M.; Saito, M.; Akizawa, T. An 11-mer Synthetic Peptide Suppressing Aggregation of Aβ25-35 and Resolving Its Aggregated Form Improves Test Performance in an Aβ25-35-Induced Alzheimer’s Mouse Model. Biomolecules 202414, 1234. https://doi.org/10.3390/biom14101234 (IF 4.8)


1. Nakamura R, Konishi M, Ushijima E, Tanaka R, Taniguchi M, Kojima A, Tokumasu M, Yamamoto T, Akizawa T: STRACTURAL ANALYSIS OF THE NOVEL HYDROLASE-LIKE PEPTIDE, 34th European Peptide Symposium, Germany-Leipzig, 2016

2.Akizawa T, Nakamura R, Kojima A, Konishi M, Taniguchi M, Tokumasu M, Yamamoto T: FINDING OF THE NOVEL HYDROLASE-LIKE PEPTIDE (JAL-TA9) DIGESTING Aβ PROTEIN, 34th European Peptide Symposium, Germany-Leipzig, 2016

3.Nakamura R, Taniguchi M, Konishi M, Ushijima E, Tanaka R, Kojima A, Tokumasu M, Yamamoto T, Akizawa T: Chemical and Physical Properties of the Novel Serine Protease-Like Peptide Digesting Amyloid-Beta Protein, 14th Asia-Pacific Federation for Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine Congress, Taipei, 2016

4.Akizawa T, Nakamura R, Kojima A, Konishi M, Taniguchi M, Tokumasu M, Yamamoto T: Discover of the Novel Serine Protease-like Peptide digesting Amyloid-Beta Protein, 14th Asia-Pacific Federation for Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine Congress, Taipei, 2016

5.Hatakawa Y, Nakamura R, Taniguchi M, Konishi M, Yamamoto T, Akizawa T: The shorter synthetic peptides derived from Box A region in ANA/BTG3 protein are the novel enzyme peptides and cleave the amyloid-beta peptide, 10th GENERAL MEETING OF THE INTERNATIONAL PROTEOLYSIS SOCIETY, Banff, CANADA, 2017